Are Blueberries Good for Dogs?

Vet Verified


Closeup of a dog's nose poking out of a pile of blueberries

When it comes to choosing wholesome snacks for our furry companions, ‘people’ foods aren’t usually at the top of the list. But blueberries? These juicy little gems deserve a special spot! 

Are blueberries good for dogs? These nutrient-packed berries are a popular choice not just for our plates but as a potential treat for our canine friends. We’re exploring the world of blueberries for dogs, their safety, benefits, and how to incorporate them into your pet's diet.

Are blueberries good for dogs?

Let's answer the big question: are blueberries good for dogs? That’s a resounding yes! Blueberries aren’t only safe but also offer a range of health benefits for our four-legged pals. They’re low in calories and fat, making them an excellent option for dogs on a diet. Blueberries are also packed with vitamins, minerals, and high fiber content. 

Concerns about the safety of blueberries for dogs usually center around their small size and potential as a choking hazard. However, when given in moderation and appropriate portions, blueberries pose little risk. To ensure safety, consider mashing or chopping blueberries for smaller dogs or offering them frozen as a cool, refreshing treat on a hot day. 

So, are blueberries safe for dogs? Absolutely, as long as you're mindful of portion size and your dog's specific dietary needs.

Benefits of blueberries for dogs

Now that we've covered the safety of blueberries for dogs, let's explore the many benefits of blueberries for dogs. These small berries pack a powerful nutritional punch! Blueberries have 85% water content for additional hydration benefits. Blueberries are also rich in antioxidants, which can help combat oxidative stress and support your dog's overall health. Antioxidants are particularly beneficial for older dogs or those with age-related issues.

Blueberries are also a great source of vitamin C, which plays a crucial role in immune function. This vitamin can help boost your dog's immune response, making them more resilient to various illnesses. Vitamin K–also found in blueberries–is also helpful for blood and bone health in dogs.

Another benefit of choosing blueberries for dogs is that their fiber content can aid in digestion and promote a healthy gut. For dogs with digestive sensitivities or occasional tummy troubles, a few blueberries a day can be a great addition to their diet.

Vet Tip

Avoid giving your pet blueberries that come in canned, sugared, or syrup-packed forms, as they tend to contain high sugar levels and may also include harmful additives such as preservatives and xylitol, which can be fatal for dogs.

Dr. Rhaysa Feliciano

How many blueberries can I give my dog?

As with any treat, moderation is key! When it comes to feeding your dog blueberries, the answer depends on your dog’s size and dietary requirements. So, how many blueberries can I give my dog? As a general guideline, small breeds may enjoy 1-3 couple of blueberries as a treat, medium dogs about 4-6, and larger dogs can have 8-10.

Keep in mind that blueberries should only be added as part of your dog's balanced diet. Treats, including blueberries, shouldn’t exceed 10% of your dog's daily calorie intake. Consuming excessive amounts of blueberries can lead to digestive upset or even diarrhea, so try not to exceed a few at a time!

When we look at the facts, the question "Are blueberries good for dogs?" has a definitive–and positive–answer! Blueberries offer plenty of health benefits to make them worthy of your furry friend, from antioxidants to essential vitamins and fiber. Just remember to feed them in moderation and adjust portion sizes based on your dog's size. With this approach, you can enjoy sharing the goodness of blueberries with your canine companion while boosting their well-being!

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Written by a Vetnique Vet

Dr. Rhaysa Feliciano, DVM

Veterinarian Dr. Rhaysa Feliciano of Winter Garden, FL has always had a passion for helping animals. She’s been a “HUGE" fan of Glandex for years and recommends it to all of her patients with anal sac disease, and is passionate about helping pets with allergies find a better quality of life.


Winter Garden, FL

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